Copyright Notice

Blog Acceptable Use and Copyright Statement

By contributing to the Shane’s Blog  (Blog), you agree to the best practices, procedures, and policies established for this blog. You also acknowledge that your individual entries to the Blog are licensed under a Creative Commons license. The Blog is using a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 2.5 License for blog contributors. Note that Creative Commons licenses change from time to time. The Blog manager will alert Shane’s bloggers when the terms of this license change.

Key terms and conditions of the Creative Commons license:

  • You, the blogger, retain the copyright for your own posts.

Licensees (people who use your content in whole or in part) must:

  • Request your permission for commercial use of your posts.
  • Request your permission to create derivative works, unless their content is also licensed under the same terms as your content.
  • Keep any copyright notice intact on all copies of your work.
    Link to the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 2.5
  • License from copies of the work

Licensees may not

  • Alter the terms of the Creative Commons license.
  • Use technology to restrict other licensees’ lawful uses of the work.
  • Your Creative Commons license allows licensees, provided they live up to
    these conditions, to take the following actions:
  • Copy the work.
  • Distribute it.
  • Display or perform it publicly.
  • Make digital public performances of it (e.g., webcasting).
  • Shift the work into another format as a verbatim copy.

Your Creative Commons license

  • Applies worldwide.
  • Lasts for the duration of the work’s copyright.
  • Is not revocable.

Note: Garfield Comics are © Jim Davis & Paws, Inc. and other works are copyright by the person or people that have produced the information or media.